No Title Writer Hit
60 Oklahoma City / Dr. Jaerock Lee is a powerful preacher. F. Sorenson 10452
59 Phelps / I love your Christian Network on GCN. E. Dotson 10758
58 Brooklyn, NY / I love your show & pray in Jesus name that I can help your organization in any way. S. Dews 10611
57 Pensacola, FL. PeopleNet / I enjoy watching your station. G. Kelly 10030
56 Lahore - I love GCN. H. Aziz 9740
55 New York / Your station is the reason I don't want cable service. J. Hill 10061
54 Bronx / I love GCN and have found it to be very nourishing to my spirit. C. Acevedo 9867
53 My family and I are enjoying on Glorystar. R. Stacy, Jr. (Fulton) 9745
52 Have been watching you guys in digital since you began broadcasting in Pensacola. Marilyn (Pensacola) 9678
51 Been watching for 6 months.  Gud (Seattle) 9787
50 I just came across GCN last week and Dr. Jaerock Lee is a powerful preacher. F.S (Oklahoma) 11964
49 I love your Christian Network on GCN E.D 11772
48 Pastor lee I want u to know how much I enjoy watching GCN S.C (Brooklyn) 12230
47 Thank you & God bless you for entering my life. S.D (Brooklyn) 11269
46 Thank you for your prayer! M.S (Ridgefield Park) 11211
45 I wanted to know at what time 'Daniel Prayer Meetings' take place. H.K (Sacramento) 11162
44 THIS IS AWESOME K.W (Water Town) 10807
43 Please tell me how can I receive the Sweet Water E.C (Long Island City) 10913
42 I regularly watch GCN programming and record your programs H.K (Sacramento) 9945
41 I used to watch GCN until a few months ago V.S (Jamaica) 10012
40 I have been watching GCN and listening to Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages for a long time. C.A (Brooklyn) 9745
39 I've decided to quit smoking D.G (Long Island City) 9646
38 I turn on GCN through the night E.H 9846
37 I turn on GCN and watch Dr. Jaerock Lee preach H.K (Sacramento, CA) 14725
36 I wanted to know how I could receive the handkerchief M.S 10168
35 I am particularly touched by the feature testimony of this episode S.E (Brooklyn) 10421
34 I have been watching Dr. Jaerock Lee's programs J.N (Bronx, NY) 12101
33 I'm truly thankful and blessed to have found this channel. K.R (Richmond Hill, NY) 9627
32 I have been watching GCN P.Y (Bellevue, NE) 9337
31 I called to share a testimony with you J.P (Bronx, NY) 9141
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