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Title Space and Dimension(2)
Preacher Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee Bible Exodus16:4 Date 2008.11.30

Exodus 16: 4
"Then the LORD said to Moses, "Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day, that I may test them, whether or not they will walk in My instruction."


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
This is the 2nd session of the 'Space and Dimension' series. In the last session, I talked to you briefly about the concept of 'dimensions', which is categorized by the concept of space.
You can understand the following messages only when you understand those basic concepts.
So, let us review it briefly. The first dimension is the space of the 1st Heaven, which is the physical space in which we are living.
The 2nd dimension is the space in the 2nd heaven, and it has the area of light called Eden, and the area of the darkness.
The 3rd dimension is the space of the 3rd heaven, and it has the kingdom of heaven in which we will live forever.
The 4th dimension is the space of the 4th heaven, and it is exclusive space for God the Trinity.
I also told you that the dimensions of the heavens are strictly separated, but at the same time the space of each is closely linked together.
In the space of the 1st heaven in which we are living, sometimes the gate of the space of the 2nd heaven opens. Sometimes, the space of the 3rd heaven or the 4th heaven can open, too. When another spiritual space is opened into this physical space, the higher dimension rules over the lower dimension.
The flow of time or the natural laws of a dimension all operate according to the rules of the higher dimension.
If the gate to the 2nd heaven opens and something from the 2nd heaven comes out into the 1st heaven, it doesn't adhere to the rules of the 1st heaven.
It will move in the 1st heaven according to the rules of the 2nd heaven, for 2nd heaven is higher than the 1st heaven.
I will elaborate on this with examples later.
At this time, I will mainly talk about the things that happen when the space of the 2nd heaven opens in the 1st heaven. I hope your insight will be broadened through this message.
This visible world is not everything. There is an invisible but true and eternal world. I hope you will have the eyes to see this true and eternal world.
The 1st heaven, namely what you can see with you eyes, is nothing compared to the spiritual space that is invisible.
God the Father can do countless things that are beyond men's understanding in the spiritual spaces of higher dimensions.
I hope you will be able to advance beyond this limited physical dimension and go forward with hope for your life in the higher dimensions.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, there are many records in the Bible that describe the incidents in which the things of the 2nd heaven took place in the 1st heaven.
To find those biblical records, we first have to know about the space of the 2nd heaven.
The 2nd heaven is mainly divided into the space of light called Eden and the space of darkness. God made a garden eastward in Eden for the first man Adam, and this is the Garden of Eden.
2nd heaven belongs to the spiritual world. In the spiritual world, nothing perishes or dies.
This is the same in the 3rd and the 4th heaven. But the 2nd heaven has something different from the other parts of the spiritual world.
The beings there are spiritual beings, but they have imperishable physical bodies.
We can understand this distinctive character of the Garden of Eden through the case of Adam, the first man.
Genesis 2:7-9 says, "Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. The LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed. Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."
God made Adam from the dust of the ground on the Earth, in the 1st heaven.
Then, when God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, he became a living being, namely a living spirit.
Adam was a living spirit who was made from the dust, so we can see him and touch him like people of the 1st heaven.
But because he is a living spirit, his body would not have died forever.
God made the Garden of Eden for this living spirit, Adam.
Namely, God created the trees from which Adam could eat, and other plants and nature. Therefore, the natural environment in the Garden of Eden is just like Adam, the living spirit.
It's the same with Eve, Adam's wife, and their descendants to whom they gave birth there.
Namely, they are spiritual beings, but they can be seen and touched even in the physical world.
They are different from the spiritual beings such as angels in the 3rd heaven, that can be seen only with spiritual eyes.
Thus, if an object from the 2nd heaven comes out to the space of the 1st heaven, those people in the 1st heaven can see and touch it.
The Bible writes about the gate of the 2nd heaven opening and objects from the 2nd heaven coming down to the 1st heaven.
What are they? First, it is the rain that came down from heaven at the time of the judgment of the flood in Genesis chapter 7.
Genesis 7:11-12 says, "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened. The rain fell upon the earth for forty days and forty nights."
Today, most people think this just happened only within the confines of the planet Earth.
It says, all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.
But with our common sense, this does not make sense.
How could there be such a great amount of water sufficient to flood and cover even the highest mountains of the Earth?
Even if it were possible, after the flood where did that vast amount of water go?
Therefore, we should not try to find the answer within this physical world. We have to find the answer from the Garden of Eden, which is located in the 2nd heaven.
Genesis 1:2 says, "The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters."
As said, before the 6-days of creation began, the whole Earth was covered by water.
But on the second day of creation, God divided this body of water into two.
Genesis 1:6-7 says, "Then God said, 'Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.' God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so."
Here, the expanse refers to the sky that we see on Earth.
The water below the expanse became the sea and lakes of Earth and the water above the expanse was gathered at the fountains of the great deep.
From these 'fountains of the great deep' originated rivers that ran through the Garden of Eden and it was divided into the four major rivers mentioned in Genesis 2:10-14.
And at the time of the judgment of the flood, God burst the 'fountains of the great deep'.
When He opened the gate of the 2nd heaven, that water was poured down to the Earth in the 1st heaven.
Garden of Eden is so much wider and bigger than this Earth; it is beyond comparison.
Also, the amount of water contained in the rivers of Eden cannot be compared to the amount of water of the Earth.
Therefore, if the river from Eden flows out to this Earth, it is more than enough to cover the whole Earth.
Furthermore, God burst the fountains of the great deep, which is the origin of the rivers of Eden. And by opening the gate of the 2nd heaven connecting the 1st heaven, God let the water in Eden pour down like rain on Earth.
This is expressed as, "floodgates of the sky were opened." We can see 'the floodgates of the sky' is in plural form.
This tells us that it was not just one gate at a particular spot in the sky.
God opened all of the spaces of the 2nd heaven that are connected with the Earth.
Not only for the area where Noah was living, but God let the water of the 2nd heaven pour down on all parts of the Earth simultaneously.
So, within 40 days, even the highest mountain on Earth was beneath the flood.
After the judgment, this water was carried back to the 2nd heaven again.
Genesis 8:1-2 King James Version says, "And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged; the fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained."
God first closed the fountains, which He had opened for the judgment of the flood. And then, He blocked the windows of the sky to stop the water from the 2nd heaven coming down to the Earth in 1st heaven.
But He did not close the space between the 1st heaven and the 2nd heaven completely.
It says God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the water subsided.
Here, the wind is not natural wind. It is tremendously strong wind made by the four living creatures of God.
Thus, the water that was covering the Earth went back to the Eden in the 2nd heaven in various forms including water vapors. For this reason the Bible says the windows were 'stopped' not 'closed'.
Likewise, when things in the 2nd heaven come out to or go back from the 1st heaven, God moves the four living creatures. I hope you will remember this point.
Brothers and sisters, in the Garden of Eden in the 2nd heaven, things are spiritual beings but they also have the visible and tangible physical bodies. Therefore, if it is water, we feel it just like the waters of this earth, and if it's fire, it can burn the things just like the fire on this earth.
For example, at the judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah, fire and brimstone came down from heaven like rain.
Genesis 19:24 says, "Then the LORD rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven."
'The LORD out of heaven' means that God opened the gates of the 2nd heaven and brought down brimstone and fire from the 2nd heaven. It's the same when Elijah confronted 850 prophets of gentile gods and brought down fire from heaven.
1 Kings 18:37-38 says, "Answer me, O LORD, answer me, that this people may know that You, O LORD, are God, and that You have turned their heart back again." Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench."
On this occasion as well, God brought down the fire from the 2nd heaven. The fire of the 2nd heaven can burn the things in the 1st heaven.
Through the lectures on Genesis, you know that the descendants of Adam are still living in the Garden of Eden.
It was only Adam and Eve who ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and was driven out from Eden to this earth. Even before Adam and Eve committed sin, according to God's command, "Be fruitful and multiply," they gave birth to many children.
And those children have been living in the Garden giving birth to many children again.
They learned the things that Adam learned from God and developed them to have formed a very advanced civilization.
So, if they wanted, they could also come down to this Earth in the 1st heaven from the Garden of Eden.
Before Adam committed a sin, he had the authority to rule over and subdue the 1st heaven.
And Adam visited Earth quite often. It was not Adam alone, but some of the children came along with him.
But since Adam was driven out to this earth, the people in the Garden of Eden had much less freedom than before to visit this Earth.
After the flood of Noah, it became very strict. But it doesn't mean they cannot visit Earth at all. In special cases, they can visit Earth in the 1st heaven.
When the people of the Garden of Eden visit Earth, they have a flying object which they use for transportation, and it is what we call the UFO, Unidentified Flying Objects.
We have seen UFOs quite a few times from our church, and they were also recognized by the researches institutions.
Most people think some aliens are flying in the UFOs, but it's not true.
It's either the people of the Garden of Eden in them, or some of those UFOs are unmanned aircraft which is used for surveillance purpose.
But because there is justice set by God, those people of the Garden of Eden cannot come down to this earth to talk to us or shake hands with us.
But someday there will certainly be a time to clearly show to the people that those who are flying in the UFOs are not aliens but people from the Garden of Eden.
This can be done when we use the justice in the higher dimensions than the justice of the 2nd heaven.
I ask you to pray for this always.
Brothers and sisters, at the time of Jesus' birth there was a star that guided the three magi, and it is also a star of the 2nd heaven.
Matthew 2:9 says, "After hearing the king, they went their way; and the star, which they had seen in the east, went on before them until it came and stood over the place where the Child was."
The star in the sky moved according to the speed of the magi, and when they reached the destination, it stopped.
If this star was a star of the 1st heaven, it would break the order of the universe and cause a great problem. It's because all the stars in the 1st heaven have their own paths that are already set.
Thus, we can see that the star that guided the three magi is not a star of the 1st heaven.
God moved a star in the 2nd heaven so that there was no influence at all in the 1st heaven.
Then, God opened the space of the 2nd heaven where the star was moving, so that the magi could see it.
God also showed such movement of stars many times.
There were three stars moving at the same time, a star that moved zigzag, and a star moving and reversing.
God showed us some movements of stars that cannot take place in 1st heaven.
The stars that moved at that time were the stars of the 2nd heaven. God showed the space of the 2nd heaven and showed them to us at those moments.
Lastly let me explain one more thing.
The manna that the sons of Israel ate during the Exodus was also from the 2nd heaven.
Today's passage Exodus 16:4 says, "Then the LORD said to Moses, "Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day, that I may test them, whether or not they will walk in My instruction."
God said He would rain bread from heaven.
This manna looked like coriander seed, and its taste was like wafers with honey.
God gave this manna to the sons of Israel for 40 years, while they were in the wilderness.
Likewise, in the Bible, we can see the records of the space of the 2nd heaven opening.
In the next session, I will explain to you how the things of the spiritual spaces of higher dimensions took place on this earth.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, when the people of Israel first ate the manna, they must have been very amazed.
It's because they tasted bread from heaven, which they had never seen or eaten before.
For example, suppose you don't have any bread to eat, and there is your daily bread every morning on your table.
How amazing this is! But most of the Israelites who ate manna everyday soon began to complain against God greatly.
Namely, after the spying out the land of Canaan at Kadesh-barnea, they were agitated by the negatives reports of the ten spies and caused great anger of God.
Finally, all those who were 20 or above except Joshua and Caleb died in the wilderness during their 40 years of life in the wilderness.
What kind of lesson can we get from this?
As it has been so until now, you will be able to see countless works of the spiritual spaces before your eyes.
And what is the reason that God is showing us the things that go beyond the justice of the 1st heaven?
Deuteronomy 8:3 says, "He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD."
The more you experience the things of the spiritual spaces, the more completely you should live by the word of God.
Your hearts should not become less sensitive about spiritual things just because you see them often, but you should be able to have new emotions each time.
I pray in the name of the Lord that, in doing so, you will have true heart and perfect faith and come forth as true children whom God wants to gain.

2008-12-01 Posted
2008-12-09 Updated

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