No Title Writer Hit
30 I watch Manmin TV programming every chance I get. St (Brooklyn, NY) 9773
29 Because I can watch Manmin TV programsˇ¦ Ma (Brooklyn, NY) 9374
28 I make a point of watching 'People Who Love God.' El (Ridgewood, NY) 9288
27 I like 'Homestay in Korea' very much. Soo (New York, NY) 9767
26 'Testimony Concert' strengthens and encourages my spirit. Pa (Brooklyn, NY) 9050
25 I did not believe in miracles before watching Manmin TV. El (Rego Park, NY) 8873
24 I have met the Lord. Di (Pakistan) 9198
23 I watch Manmin TV programs on GCN three times a day. Lu (Brooklyn, NY) 9174
22 The testimonies were so stunning and I was touched by them. Li (Roosevelt Island, NY) 9485
21 I enjoy watching 'The Daniel Prayer Meeting'. Ro (The Bronx, NY) 9424
20 I would like to watch 'Praise and Worship' again! Da (New York, NY) 9454
19 I want to have a more definite relationship with God. Wi (Brooklyn, NY) 9597
18 I wound up bursting into tears. Ca (Brooklyn, NY) 9643
17 Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee is a TV station on his own. St (New York, NY) 9522
16 She likes GCN and learned about the channel... LI (Richwood NY) 9224
15 Greatly impressed by Dr. Lee... MA (Sunnyside NY) 8912
14 Bro. Jesse called to recommend a few programs.. Bro. JE 8779
13 surprised to find she could watch Christian TV... AN (NY) 8776
12 The Gospel must be spread... UR (Saint Albans NY) 8354
11 I enjoys GCN very much. DA (NJ) 8242
10 I only watch GCN. ER (NJ) 8359
9 God Bless you all for your nice program JU (Bronx NY) 8230
8 He loves our programming JE (Bronx NY) 7894
7 Mr. Roy Lee returned call and said that he watches RO (New York) 8046
6 I have been watching GCN... CY (NY) 8303
5 I am very thankful. NI (NY) 7931
4 These programs are wonderful D.B (Costa Rica) 8586
3 I really have been enjoying the services H.E 8145
2 I really enjoyed watching M.A (Ecuadorian) 8040
1 My daughter discovered channel 17 and told me A.S 6245
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