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  Title Bible Preacher Date HD HQ High Audio Content MP3
Lecture on Job (108) [Job 36:18~21] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.12.15
The Beatitudes (4) [Matthew 5:6] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.12.15
Lecture on Genesis (37) [Genesis 1:14-19] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee 2024.12.13
Lecture on Job (107) [Job 36:15-17] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.12.08
The Beatitudes (3) [Matthew 5:5] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.12.08
Lecture on Genesis (36) [Genesis 1:14-19] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee 2024.12.06
Lecture on Job (106) [Job 36:10-14] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.12.01
The Beatitudes (2) [Matthew 5:4] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.12.01
As It Seems Good to You [1 Samuel 24:4] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.11.29
Lecture on Job (105) [Job 36:1-9] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.11.24
The Beatitudes (1) [Matthew 5:1-3] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.11.24
Lecture on Genesis (35) [Genesis 1:11-13] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee 2024.11.22
One Who Realizes the Lord's Love Thanksgiving Sunday Holy Communion [John 14:21, 6:53-55] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.11.17
Delight Yourself in God Thanksgiving Sunday [Psalm 37:4] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.11.17
Lecture on Genesis (34) [Genesis 1:9-13] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee 2024.11.15
Lecture on Job (104) [Job 35:9-16] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.11.10
The Ten Commandments (11) The 10th Commandment [Exodus 20:17] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.11.10
Lecture on Genesis (33) [Genesis 1:6-8] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee 2024.11.08
Lecture on Job (103) [Job 35:1-8] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.11.03
The Ten Commandments (10) The 9th Commandment [Exodus 20:16] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.11.03
Lecture on Genesis (32) The Seed of Life (4) [Genesis 2:7, 1 John 3:9] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee 2024.11.01
Lecture on Job (102) [Job 34:31-37] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.10.27
The Ten Commandments (9) The 8th Commandment [Exodus 20:15] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.10.27
Lecture on Genesis (31) The Seed of Life (3) [Genesis 2:7, 1 John 3:9] Pastor Emeritus Jaerock Lee 2024.10.25
Lecture on Job (101) [Job 34:24-30] Dr. Soojin Lee 2024.10.20