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Hit : 229
Now, deacon Dooho Lee is grateful for the love of Father God who reached out to him first and gave him peace when he was in despair. He confesses that he is happy to have a family of faith who helps him feel the love of the Lord who fills him with blessings and love each and every moment. - Deacon Dooho Lee / 6th Parish / Retinitis Pigmentosa, Tinnitus
Hit : 236
Deacon Lim Choi registered in the church in 1994, but it was only years later when he knew the true taste of faith and began a diligent Christian life. Let's meet deacon Choi who got a chance of a new life at the threshold of death! - Deacon Lim Choi / Men's Mission
Hit : 238
People Who Have Discovered the True Treasure
Hit : 279
Offering Up Beautiful Aroma of SpiritDeacon Hee Choi's Family
Hit : 285
The Shepherd's Great and Amazing PowerMinsung Kim / Healed of autism
Hit : 338
2015 Manmin Summer Retreat - Love 1
Hit : 201
2015 Mission Trip to Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore
Hit : 429
The 12th International Christian Medical Conference
Hit : 415
Impossible things be made possible. Possible things be made even more possible.Elder Nakhong Im / President of Lime Financial Service, General Secretary of Male District Leaders' Association
Hit : 317
Happiness in the Shepherd's Love